Safety and Security 

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Safety and security are our top priorities at Open Space. All of our teachers and staff are certified in CPR and First Aid and have undergone extensive training to ensure they are prepared for emergencies. All of our teachers and staff undergo background checks during the hiring process and are thoroughly vetted before joining the team. We take safety and security very seriously. That is why our doors are only accessible via personalized key fobs and access granted only to authorized family members and staff. We routinely take part in emergency drills to make sure that our staff and our students feel prepared and safe in the unfortunate case of any emergency. We also partner with “All About Childcare Health,” a nurse consultant who visits our center on a monthly basis. The nurse ensures that our center and its staff are practicing the highest level of health-conscious behaviors. From checking our student health records, to training our staff about safe sleep practices, our nurse consultant is here to provide the support, advice and experience needed to keep our students, staff and families safe and healthy.